Guy Langenbrunner

Giles “Guy” Langenbrunner, Elder Cass of 1948, was drafted into Army Airborne in 1952.  After being discharged, Guy married Del and raised four children together.  Sandy lives in Chicago, Lori in Houston, Doug in Newark, OH and Greg lives on a piece of adjoining property to Guy and Del’s.  While raising a family, Guy became president of G&G Langenbrunner Masonry and built a successful masonry business.  After retiring in 2014, Guy handed over the reins to his son Greg who has plenty of help from his daughter Katlin and two sons, Gerad and Grant who are part of the business.   Guy’s two sons and two grandsons all graduated from Elder.  Guy and Dell have 11 grandchildren and Guy is blessed to be part of this fine group of Elder Alumni.  Here’s to Elder and “Vaya con Dios.”